"A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves against those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." ... Roman statesman and political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero

Sunday, January 9, 2011

THE FEDERAL RESERVE - An early history and how the system works

How did a handful of bank owners lead nations into war, destroy empires and stir up world-wide conflict? How did these international bankers secretly plan for the demise of America’s economy while at the same time infiltrating every level of government, society and, of course, high finance?

The answer is a long-ago hatched plan to bring America to its knees so these international bankers (the Federal Reserve) and financial elitists could put in a world-wide system known as the One World Order. America’s part of the international banking cartel is called the Federal Reserve. To illustrate the inner workings of the Federal Reserve, let’s tackle the hardest part first: How international banks operate.

Pretend for a moment you own a bank and our nation is on the gold standard. Your bank’s customers don’t want to lug around heavy gold so they deposit it in your bank. You then issue a receipt (paper money), guaranteeing that anyone in possession of the receipt can come to your bank and withdraw the face value of the receipt for that amount in gold.

Over time, other people “deposit” their gold with you until your vault is literally bulging with treasure and you simultaneously notice that your customers seldom ask for physical gold. You decide to lend more money using receipts rather than the gold on deposit.

Congratulations, you are now involved in “fractional reserve banking.” You are lending money that isn’t yours to begin with and praying to the money gods that there isn’t a “run” on the bank, where all the receipt-holders demand their gold deposits back.

You grow fat and happy collecting interest on loans backed by non-existent gold. You have at that point created inflation. If, let’s say, you have $100 in gold but have issued $200 in paper money, the paper is really only worth $100. You have inflated the value of the paper by 50 percent.

Now let’s switch from the theory of banking to the reality of the Federal Reserve. It all started in the mid to late 18th Century in Europe with a little-known goldsmith, Meyer Amschel Bauer in Frankfort, Germany.

At that time, goldsmiths minted and stored gold coins for their customers gradually evolving the practice into merchant and then fractional reserve banking. As his business grew, Bauer changed his name to Rothschild, giving birth to the largest financial dynasty in the history of the world.

Meyer later had five sons, who eventually established banking businesses in five large European cities. The Rothschild family specialized in making large loans to governments, usuallly to finance wars, and gradually came to exert enormous influence in political affairs. Their power was magnified by their influence over, or control of, central banks. Meyer Amschel Rothschild once commented, “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”

Throughout history, you will see the importance of money in the big picture. A good rule for keeping track of the inner workings of the banking conspiracy and eventually, the Federal Reserve, is this: follow the money.

During the formation of our country central banking was hotly debated. In 1781, before the Constitution was ratified, the Continental Congress chartered its first central bank, the Bank of North America. The bank issued paper money far in excess of its gold holdings. The result was inflation, leading quickly to a nearly worthless currency and the expression “not worth a Continental.”

The Bank of the United States also was chartered for a 20-year period. This was promoted by Alexander Hamilton, then secretary of treasury, and one of the first advocates of big government. The Bank of the United States was our second central bank, the Bank of North America being the first.

The international bankers wanted the newly formed government to give them the “right” to control the coinage of money and the issuance of paper money. Since the bankers had twice been thwarted in their scheme to gain control of our money supply, they found it imperative to get “their” people into high governmental positions. But first they had to get rid of President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt.

The last central bank had been vigorously opposed by President Andrew Jackson and its charter was allowed to expire in 1836. The bankers engineered a financial panic which led to a depression in 1907.

In 1910, a small group of international bankers, together with Senator Nelson Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury A. Piatt Andrew secretly met at J.P. Morgan's Jekyll Island Hunt Club, a private island preserve off Brunswick, Georgia. They planned to form a private banking cartel in America similar to the ones in Europe controlled by the Rothschild bankers. This soon became the Federal Reserve System.

The challenge then became getting the U.S. Congress to approve their scheme. Republican Teddy Roosevelt was fairly popular with the voters, on his way to reelection and was considered highly unlikely to support the bankers' plan. His Democratic opponent, Woodrow Wilson was much more agreeable to the globalist agenda. So the conspirators persuaded Republican Roosevelt to run on the Progressive Party (Bull Moose) ticket and gave him considerable financial support. This split the Republican vote and led to the election of globalist puppet Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson’s election paved the way for three major abominations: The Income Tax, the Federal Reserve System and U.S. entry into World War I.

The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, also known as the Income Tax Amendment, was supposedly ratified in 1913 but subsequent scholars can find no evidence of ratification. The Sixteenth Amendment did not repeal the existing constitutional provisions relating to taxes and created no new taxing powers. The book, “The Law That Never Was,” by Bill Benson and Red Beckman, proved that assertion. The bottom line is that the income tax was never ratified and has been a massive fraud from the outset.

We didn't have nor did we need an income tax until we got the Federal Reserve. The income tax was only needed to pay interest to the bankers for our own money that they loan to our government. Yes, you read that right, the Fed, mostly on paper and computer, creates money out of thin air, pays the treasury a small printing fee then loans the money to our government. Our taxes pay the interest on this loan that costs the Fed virtually nothing to make. What a sweetheart deal they have going for them. Very little of our federal tax dollars go to running the country. We’re doing that on borrowed money from, guess who, the Fed.

The single worst year in U.S. history, in my opinion, was 1913. For starters we got the income tax and the Federal Reserve Act. The final vote occurred in the U.S. Senate December 22, when most members of Congress were home for Christmas and only five selected senators were present at the evening session. This Act created a private banking cartel entirely owned by the bankers, which allows them total control over our economy. The only connection to our government is that the President nominally appoints members to the Federal Reserve Board for 14-year terms. Paul Warburg, a German national, international banker and one of the Jekyll Island conspirators, became the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1914. A Rothschild brother, Max, was financing Germany's involvement in World War I at the same time.

The history of international banking is a bloody one. All wars in modern times have been instigated by the greed of the international bankers who lend vast sums of money at usurious interest rates to the governments of the conflicting nations. This ensured big bankers their investments would be returned and international businesses would profit. For example, E.I. Dupont, who manufactured gunpowder during World War I, profited -- no matter which side fired the shots.

During the height of WWI, 1916 to be exact, Wilson was reelected, largely on the basis of the campaign slogan, “he kept us out of war.” Actually he was planning to get the United States into the war all along. Shortly after his inauguration and the deliberately provoked sinking of the munitions-carrying passenger liner Lusitania by a German submarine, the United States declared war on Germany. The Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve was now at war with the Rothschild-financed German nation. How could they possibly lose?
Russian Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in 1917 and the Communists took over Russia. The international bankers in New York confiscated some $100 million worth of the Tsar's gold on deposit with them. After the theft of the gold, the Russian royal family was executed.

The war ended in 1918. The five-year period from 1913 to 1918 saw the U.S. taxpayer raped, the U.S. Treasury emptied, a world war, the Communist destruction of the Russian empire and the Rothschilds and other International bankers become filthy rich. The war cost U.S. taxpayers alone $22,625,253,000. Great Britain and Germany paid even more to the international bankers to finance their side of the war.

The human suffering from the war was incalculable. The total number of casualties, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 million wounded. With the blood and suffering of millions, the international bankers, including the Federal Reserve, more than represent an evil empire - they are an evil empire.


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